Theatre: Greek Myths & Monsters (3rd-5th)

Join Educational Theatre Company for an action packed class full of adventure, tragedy, and victory! Jump into the shoes of mighty Zeus, powerful Athena, or mortals like Hercules as students will act out famous myths and legends. The classic theatre concept of a Greek Chorus will be introduced and used to create ensemble and teamwork. Emphasis will be placed on character building, improvisation, and storytelling.


Cartooning Art (K-5th)

Young Rembrandts™ Cartooning curriculum uses a structured stepwise format to teach students to create their own animated characters in humorous settings. We break down objects and ideas into simple shapes, then use exaggeration, caricature, and personification to playfully construct our own cartoon images. Our Cartooning curriculum develops academically relevant skills, including spatial-motor planning, mental discipline and fine motor skills, while providing a fun, enriching experience for our students. New lessons every week!


Cheer-IT with Spir-IT Cheerleading (K-5th)

Take your spirit to a higher level! Learn routines, cheers, motions and jumps that promote teamwork, fitness and FUN. We'll work on basic gymnastics and dance movements (under supervision of instructors). Cheers include: Who Rocks the House, G-O Yell GO, Dynamite, and many more. You'll even get to make up your own cheer!


Dynamic Drum (K-5th)

Students will participate in a music group. Students will learn about the instrument as well as how to play in a music group.   


FREE Rental instrument and curriculum included!  Instruments and music are intended for in class AND at home practice.  Rental Instrument must be returned at the last class.


Kaizen Karate (K-5th)

Karate: this popular class is a disciplined introduction to the sport by Kaizen Karate. Your child will learn the beautiful art of karate while gaining safety and defensive skills in a respectful environment. The class will also emphasize the basic karate principles of focus, patience and self-discipline. Returning students will continue to work toward new belts while first time students will be able to start the belt program.


(Instruction provided by Kaizen Karate)


Science: Make it or Break it! (K-5th)

How were skyscrapers, teslas, and tiny homes made? ENGINEERS!! What is an engineer you ask? Well, forget the dictionary definition. Engineers are dreamers, planners, problem solvers, and tinkerers. 


Over the course of our time together, your child will take on projects and hands-on challenges, in hopes of finding success. Every theme will begin with making a plan, then move on to the building & trials phase, and finally end with a final test. From egg drops and Rube Goldberg machines to earthquake simulators and tower challenges, there will be much to get excited about.


Intro to Yoga & Mindfulness (K-5th)

Join us as we connect, breathe, move and relax. Warrior Kids Yoga helps little yogis stay healthy, cope with stress and cultivate their inner strength both on and off the mat. Through our playful programs children experience the benefits of the union of breath, mind and body.


Class fee includes a mat for each student to use in class and at home.



Spanish (K-5th)

Your child will learn a foreign language, the culture, and traditions of the particular countries where that language is spoken. Instructors use every moment as an opportunity to motivate students to use and practice their speaking skills. Games, songs, and other age-appropriate activities are used by our native-speaking instructors to keep the class fun and interactive.



Chess (K-5th)

Learn chess with Magnus Academy (formerly Silver Knights), world champion Magnus Carlsen’s academy!  We’ve taught 100,000 children to play including state and national champions, but most students are beginners looking to learn a new skill and have FUN. Class time is divided between lessons and practice games.  Lessons range from the basic rules to advanced tournament strategies.


Students will have the opportunity to play in tournaments (in-person and online) outside of club time.  This in-person club includes free online extras including weekly practice tournaments and an event with world champion Magnus Carlsen or Judit Polgar, the best female chess player of all time.  All chess supplies provided. All skill levels are welcome.  For more information please visit

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